Provides Services to
Children with all Abilities.
Early Intervention Service Coordination
All children are different and each child develops at his or her own pace. Some children may show signs of delays in development and need extra help. It is important to get help early.
Some areas in which a child may need Early Intervention are understanding, self-help, communication, social and emotional development, muscle movement, vision, and hearing.
Early Intervention gives strategies to help a child learn and develop, gives information on how children develop, and gives resources to explore. These supports can be provided in your home, the home of an alternate caregiver, child care settings and in the community.
• Facilitates a multidisciplinary evaluation (MDE) and an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) that meets the needs specific to your child and family.
• Coordinates services needed for your family to best support your child's development and participation in family routine.
• Monitors all services provided and coordinates any changes needed.
• Assists with transition services for your child at age 3.
• Locates community resources to help your child and family.
• Performs regular developmental screenings.